Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Am Not a Time Lord

Okay that confession probably comes as no surprise to the Whovians out there. What the heck is a Time Lord the rest of you are asking. In short, they live very long lives, can travel through and have some control over time. (That was over-simplified but that will do for a description)

For those that just saw someone's head explode and this blog is still open on the screen: Sorry about that.

For those didn't have their head explode: I will continue.

I was a little frustrated yesterday. Several things bothered me. For one, I had set a goal to have a story completed, revised and submitted for a contest deadline that was up yesterday. I missed out on the opportunity to work while I still had the energy last weekend. I was motivated and ready to go, but other things ended up taking higher priority and zapped that energy. I also felt really exhausted most of the week. Just happens sometimes I reminded myself.

Well I found several answers. Several discussions I have seen this week have involved characteristics of introverts. By many measures I measure far to the introvert side. All people need time to recharge their batteries, and as an introvert, my way of recharging is in silence and solitude. For years I felt like this somehow made me broken. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy being around people. My job involves a lot of contact with people, and a high amount of stimulation overall. I love what I do, but I need a lot of recharge time. When I don’t take that time, it starts building up on me. I think this week caught up with me. I am really feeling pretty ragged. It is frustrating. I am not Superman, I have to remind myself. During times like this I have to prioritize. I need to ask myself a few questions:

  • Where do I make family time?
  • What are the most important things that have to be done?
  • What time and energy can I reasonably expect that I can put into anything?
  • Where can I squeeze in even a few minutes of quiet time?
  • How can I negotiate with those around me and express what I need, without that task also?
  • How can I do the above and still keep some level of productivity? (Yes I am now realizing that my second job is writing.)

 I have to realize that there are times that I am not going to do it all. If I want to remain civil and keep from stumbling around like a zombie, the 4th point just can’t be sacrificed. It is a given that the first point doesn’t have much wiggle room.

If I figure out some device that makes more time. I will be sure to let you all know. Being a creative introvert, apparently I need some quiet and alone time to work on it. Looks like you all aren’t getting a TARDIS out of me anytime soon.

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